
Ada beberapa tempat air di dunia yang banyak dilaporkan keajaiban kesehatannya yaitu yang ada di; Nordenau di Jerman, Lourdes di Perancis, Tlacote di Meksiko dan Nadana di India.

Ribuan orang telah mengunjungi situs ini karena khasiat penyembuhan yang ditemukan di dalam air, yang juga dikatakan mengandung Hidrogen & minerals.

Sekarang, Anda tidak perlu pergi ke tempat-tempat ajaib ini untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya, karena di Prife International kami mempersembahkan kepada Anda, produk air mineral alami kami yang disebut, 7Wonders!



  • Meningkatkan Hidrogen Terlarut dalam Air

    Parts per billion (PPB) is the unit for measurement of Dissolved Hydrogen in water. The water in 7Wonders has a measurement of between 800PPB to 1,500PPB after 5 minutes. Dissolved Hydrogen water increases its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

  • Potensi Reduksi Oksidasi (ORP)

    Positive ORP readings indicate that your drinking water is more contaminated. Negative ORP readings on the other hand indicate that it is less contaminated. The more negative the ORP, the more anti-oxidizing is the water and this leads to many benefits for you. The ORP reading of the water in 7Wonders is between -300 to -700 based on the water temperature. This means the water in 7Wonders has powerful antioxidant property and hence its ability to neutralize the damaging oxidizing effects of free radicals.

  • Alkaline

    The water in 7Wonders is alkaline and can help in neutralizing the acidic food and drinks that we consume.

  • Pengurangan Ukuran Molekul Air

    With smaller molecular size in the water it helps in the delivery of nutrients to our cells, enhances the metabolism and micro circulation.

  • Antioxidant

    Free radicals are atoms that contain an unpaired electron. They are highly unstable due to its lack of outer shell electrons and will search to bind with another atom or molecule to stabilize themselves. This process can cause damage to human cells. Antioxidant can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals.

  • Mineral Water

    The CoreMinerals in 7Wonders contain essential minerals like Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Metasilicic acid and other trace minerals.

  • Anti-Bacteria

    Lab tested result shows its anti-bacterial quality.

The Benefits of Terahertz Device

Terahertz frequency may help the following:

The Ten Health Benefits of

"iTeraCare Device"

body detoxification


clears 8 meridians of the body


unclogs main channels of the body


removes toxins and harmful substances from the body


replenishes the body with healthy aura energy


unclogs vessels and stasis in the body


repairs damaged cells and tissues


regulates internal organs and boost our immune system


removes unhealthy elements from the body


detects potential aliments by using the device's scanning function


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